Dressage Anywhere- Virtual Horse Show

Such a fun weekend! Izzie and I participated in the Dressage Anywhere, UK Friesian Federation, Friesian League, virtual dressage show. The show season started in January and we just submitted our second entry for March. In January we entered the Introductory C class and for March we entered the Introductory B class. All of the... Continue Reading →

Having Fun Bareback Riding

Tonight was a fabulously playful ride.  It was later in the day and I really wasn't feeling like "training". I went through my usual grooming routine and then moved on to  a light lunge session. Lunging lately has become so boring. Athena is so good at it. She picks up each new gait on cue,... Continue Reading →

Subtle Signs of a Tired horse

How do I know when my horse is tired?  This is a common question that is often answered in some variation of… "When you feel you don’t have any horse left.”  Well, that’s great, but what if you have a horse that just seems to keep going no matter what??? I hear you. I have... Continue Reading →

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